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Award Nominations

Award Nominations


SER-CAT Outstanding Science Award


The SER-CAT Science Committee is offering an award for Outstanding Science supported by SER-CAT data published in the past calendar year. The Outstanding Science Award is open to any researcher or research group carrying out activities at SER-CAT.

The award will be presented at the annual SER-CAT Symposium. The recipient of the award will also be invited to present a 40-minute lecture on his/her research related to the award at the symposium. In addition, the winner’s name and institution will be recorded on the master plaque displayed at Sector 22.

Nominations for this award must include the following:

  • A one-page description of the work for which the award is proposed (note that SER-CAT must have played an important role in the work described)
  • A single publication related to the work published during the eligible year together with a statement describing the significance and impact of the work (note that SER-CAT must be properly acknowledged in the publication and related PDB files)
  • A current CV
  • Names of two individuals who have agreed to write supporting letters
  • The signature of the nominator

Please note: it is the responsibility of the nominator to request supporting letters, which should be sent under separate cover.

Complete packages (nominating information and letters) must be received no later than February 1st.

Nominating packages and letters should be sent to:

Prof. John P. Rose  
Chairman SER-CAT Science Committee  
Room B204B, Davison Life Sciences Complex  
University of Georgia  
Athens, GA 30602

Or: Sent to


SER-CAT Outstanding Science Award

SER-CAT Young Investigator Award


The SER-CAT Science Committee is offering a Young Investigator Award to recognize important technical or scientific accomplishments by a young investigator based on data collected at SER- CAT that was published in the past calendar year. The award is open to both post-doctoral and senior graduate students (within two years of his/her Ph.D. degree) from any institution carrying out experimental activities at SER-CAT.

The award will be presented at the annual SER-CAT Symposium. The recipient of the award will also be invited to present a 30-minute lecture on his/her research related to the award at this the symposium. In addition, the winner’s name and institution will be recorded on the master plaque displayed at Sector 22.

Nominations for this award must include the following:

  • A one-page description of the work for which the award is proposed (note that SER-CAT must have played an important role in the work described)
  • A single publication related to the work published during the eligible year together with a statement describing the significance and impact of the work (note that SER-CAT must be properly acknowledged in the publication and related PDB files)
  • A current CV
  • For student nominees, a statement of career goals and how they envision the role of the APS in their future
  • Names of two individuals who have agreed to write supporting letters
  • The signature of the nominator

Please note: it is the responsibility of the nominator to request supporting letters, which should be sent under separate cover.     

Complete packages (nominating information and letters) must be received no later than February 1st.

Nominating packages and letters should be sent to:

Prof. John P. Rose  
Chairman SER-CAT Science Committee  
Room B204B, Davison Life Sciences Complex  
University of Georgia  
Athens, GA 30602

Or: Sent to


SER-CAT Young Investigator Award