APS User Registration
Anyone who does work at APS, even from a Remote Institution, must first register as an APS User.
Depending upon circumstances, this step can take some time, so best to start early!
Useful information, especially for first-time Users, is supplied by APS.
Protocols followed by SER-CAT in particular are also available.
Required Training: Remote Access
- ESH223 (Cyber Security Education and Awareness)
Required Training: On-site Access
- APS101 (Advanced Photon Source User Orientation)
- ESH100U (Argonne National Laboratory User Facility Orientation)
- ESH223 (Cyber Security Education and Awareness)
- ESH738 (General Employee Radiological Training)
- Sector Specific Training (credit given by host, after on-site arrival at Advanced Photon Source)
Except for SER-CAT Sector Specific Training, all courses are available on-line.
Experimental Safety Approval Forms (ESAFs)
A fully-approved ESAF is required before you may begin working at either 22-ID-D or 22-ID-E.
SER-CAT employs Run-Wide ESAFs, with dates spanning the entire run. Since ESAFs are approved by SER-CAT beamline staff then APS Safety, all User Registrations, completed training, and submission of experimental details must also occur well in advance of the start of run.
Instructions to help you fill out your ESAF are available here.
Beamline Connectivity

NX NoMachine; X2Go:
- NX Nomachine; client version
- preferred software, as staff able to "shadow" your login session, and thus offer more extensive User Support
- availablew for PCs, Macs, or Linux
- X2Go; an alternative to NX Nomachine clients, above:
- SER-CAT staff unable to "shadow" your login session (i.e. staff unable to help and/or advise via this route)
- available for PCs, Macs, or Linux