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GUP Users

SER_GUI Sample Interface


Becoming a GUP (General User Proposal) User at SER-CAT

  1. If you have not already done so - register (or renew) your registration as an APS New User if necessary. Your APS badge number (assigned by completing this process) will be required for the following steps...
  2. Check the information located at APS for General User Proposals (GUP).
  3. Log in to the Proposal System; to access the system, you will be requested to enter both your badge number and password.
  4. Under the Section labelled Create a New Proposal, choose the option: General Users.
  5. This will open another window, which requests you to Select Your General User (GU) Proposal Type. There is only one type of Proposal you should select - the one labelled Macromolecular Crystallography Proposal (includes rapid access MC) .
  6. Instructions for Proposers are available, as well as useful Definitions, Concepts and Help are available to help you prepare and submit your Proposal.
  7. It is easiest if you combine all projects active in your laboratory into one Proposal. Be aware that all Proposals undergo a Scientific Peer Review process on the proposed work, thus the submission form is designed to collect detailed information about all included research. Please provide as much, and as accurate, information as possible about all projects being submitted, to facilitate a fair and accurate review.
  8. List the beamlines you would like to use: 22-ID-D and 22-ID-E will be separate choices on this Proposal.
  9. When you are finished preparing your Proposal, Submit your GUP Proposal to APS.
  10. Proposals are then peer-reviewed and allocated by an APS Beam Time Allocation Committee (BAC), using score as the determining factor.
  11. Your Macromolecular Crystallography Proposal will remain active for six Runs; please do not re-submit a new Proposal for each Run.
  12. If you have chosen a SER-CAT beamline, then we will be notified of your interest in using our beamlines. We will respond as quickly as possible, to try to arrange timings for you and your group to collect data with us!
  13. Once SER-CAT has been notified of your Proposal being allocated to our beamlines, please allow our local staff to arrange the New Beam Time Request for you; doing this will help facilitate matching the number of hours you anticipate using to those being requested.
  14. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!